Meet the Team

Whether you are seeing us in person, on the phone or online, the team at Winns aim to use technology as a way of evolving the legal processes around making a Will, handling Probate or creating a Trust.

Providing a more secure future for when the time comes, the team supports clients as they get their affairs in order and their wishes stated clearly. Using expertise and compassion, the team gives clients the comfort and assurance of a more certain future.

Head of Wills, Probate & Trusts

Rebecca Harbron Gray

Rebecca is an experienced solicitor with over 15 years industry experience. She has qualifications from Solicitors for the Elderly, STEP, and STEP Cross Border Estates. Rebecca covers the vast majority of areas of law in this practice area covering Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Probate and Intestacies, Declarations of Trust, Trusts, Court of Protection and some care home related advice.


Josef Lythe

Josef is responsible for taking instructions from clients for the drafting of Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. He also deals with the administration of clients’ estates and manages estates through the Probate process and distribution.


Simoon Brown

Simoon graduated this summer from Northumbria University, completing the MLaw (Masters in Law) course where she also completed the LPC (Legal Practice Course). She is now a paralegal in the Wills, Probate & Trust team, assisting the solicitors and clients.


Georgia Allen

Georgia initially joined us from Newcastle University on her placement year, and now is with us part time during her final year of study and is putting into practice her legal knowledge gained from her LLB Law course. She is an important member of the team, assisting us all with administrative aspects behind the scenes, as well as taking instructions for straightforward simple Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. She also deals with some administrative aspects of Probate files with Wills and Intestacies.


Alex Russell

Alex is working in the team as a Paralegal, assisting with all administrative aspects associated with the various processes involved in the creation and administration of Wills, Probate, and Trusts.

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